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North Chevy Chase Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a multi-generational, multi-cultural congregation located just off the Capital Beltway in the Village of North Chevy Chase, Montgomery County, Maryland. Our members come from across the country and around the world. Some of us have grown up in the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ; others have joined our community from different faith traditions. We are an Opening and Affirming congregation meaning that we welcome all to full membership, participation and leadership in our faith community. 


Our motto is "Connecting Faith to Community" and through our outreach, service, and social justice activities we strive to make a difference for poor and marginalized people in Montgomery County, Maryland. We also participate in the activities of the Christian Church Capital Area Region and the Christian Church Disciples Mission Fund which supports over 70 missions throughout the United States and the world.  Perhaps most important, NC4 is a caring faith community committed to supporting one another through weekly worship, fellowship, and prayer.

You can learn more about us be visiting the What We Believe section of our website. There you will find our Open and Affirming Statement as well as a description of our core beliefs. You can also browse our recent sermon archive here. 

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