An Open and Affirming Congregation
8814 Kensington Parkway ~ Chevy Chase, MD 20815 ~ 301/654-3631
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Social Justice, Outreach, and Service
North Chevy Chase Christian Church adults and youth support a variety of local, national, and international organizations that work to help those in need. We also provide opportunities for members to learn about social justice issues such as violence, mass incarceration, and poverty through on-site programs and through participation in events held throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Our commitment to outreach includes providing monetary and in-kind support as well as engaging in hands-on projects to help others. Some recent examples of organizations with whom we have partnered are listed below.
Week of Compassion --- special offerings to help individuals and communities coping with the aftermath of disaster. Donations may be made to Week of Compassion at any time.
Church World Service --- furniture, kitchen supplies, and school supplies for refugee resettlement in Lancaster, PA, and other projects.
Disciples Mission Fund --- special offerings taken throughout the year that support general ministries, new church development, post-secondary and theological education, and Regional Offices.