An Open and Affirming Congregation
8814 Kensington Parkway ~ Chevy Chase, MD 20815 ~ 301/654-3631

Rev. Stephen A. Tickner, Minister
Stephen Tickner (he/him) is a new resident of the Capital Region. Born in Texas and raised in Oklahoma, he spent 21 years in New York City before moving to Baltimore with his family. Ordained in 2015 at Park Avenue Christian Church in New York City, Rev. Tickner served for nearly nine years as Senior Minister at Central Christian Church in Danbury, Connecticut, while also holding regional and national leadership roles within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). His career includes directing the Millennial Leaders Project at Union Theological Seminary and serving as chaplain and educator at a K-12 independent school. A graduate of Union Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity, Rev. Tickner recently completed studies with Richard Rohr’s Living School and is pursuing certification in Spiritual Direction. Rev. Tickner is guided by a passion for justice, equity, and Christ’s radical love ethic.

Leslie Jenkins, Office Manager
northchevychase58@gmail.com, 301/654-3631

Glenn Pearson, Pianist/Organist
cell: 301-404-8579
As principal organist and pianist, Glenn enlivens our worship service with a repetoire spanning classical to jazz! In addition to playing at North Chevy Chase Christian Church, he leads the dance orchestra Floating Opera and the Glenn Pearson Jazz Ensemble, and serves as the pianist and musical director for the annual Helen Hayes Awards Show. He is also the pianist for the Cameron Strings Chamber Orchestra. He has performed at the White House, Kennedy Center, National Theater, Library of Congress, and dozens of other public venues and private homes in the United States and abroad. His company, Glenn Pearson Productions, is a music and entertainment contracting business involving more than 200 musicians and other entertainers. Glenn studied piano in the undergraduate and graduate divisions of Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, MD.

Christine Schadeberg Wydro, Adult Choir Director